Photoshoot, Designer Tatiana Kostyushko with photographer Olga Kyrychenko
Photoshoots for Designer Silbernadel Couture, Photographer Frank Littmann
Photoshoot for Designer Silbernadel Couture, Photographer Harald Kröher
Photoshoot for Designer Silbernadel Couture, Cataloge
Photoshoot for Designer Yurjy Romanjuk with photographer Ksenia Zurjanova
Photoshoot for Designer Katrin Belen with photographer Halyna Hamelink - Ihnatenko
Photoshoot for Designer Katrin Belen with photographer Rafal Bajorski
Photoshoot, Designer Tam May with photographer Ralf Alpenbazi
Photoshoot, Designer Vittoria Viacci with photographer Tatiana Nasirova
Photoshoot, Designer Alena Omelchenko with photographer Tatiana Nasirova
Photoshoot and catwalk, Designer Hà de Lou with photographer Frank Littmann